Monday, December 1, 2014

Overthinking, by Brandi O'Brien

Is there really a soul mate for everyone?
A lot of us 20-somethings usually seems to wonder.
Is my generation too complex?
I think we aspire for movie love.
However, do we grasp what that is?

Can friendship be forever?
Just like clothes, we out grown them.
Do we miss them or the memories?
Good times for nothing.
What do we have to show for it?

Can a 24-year-old have a midlife crisis?
Where is my white picket fence?
Should have I planned for this?
But then again this is life.
No giggling children or husband.
Could this be a good thing?

Should I question these things?
Maybe I should stop chasing the wind.
Would it be wise to not aspire, but to seek?
I’ll go with the flow of traffic.
Where is my road to happiness?
Point A starts from within.

1 comment:

  1. Brandi: I don't think you can have a mid-life crisis at age 24, but you can certainly have your share of young-life crises. I think they're a rite of passage before you find that road to happiness.
